Matthew: Bringing on another member of the team couldn’t have been easy, as you and Mark have worked together so long. Doing an Alpha also let’s us get lots of feedback on what’s important for people and we can make the first paid release even better.
We’ve also gotten so many requests for Tweetbot for Mac that we felt even an incomplete product would be really appreciated and useful for lots of our users. Paul: We wanted to do something different, we can’t really do any wide scale alpha/beta testing on iOS and so that’s never been an option. Why was it that you chose to release it so early? I’ve been using the Alpha for a while now and I feel that it is very good, but there are definitely still some rough edges. Matthew: Tapbots has a reputation for aggressively polishing its apps before release. We had the chance to talk to Tapbots’ Paul Haddad just briefly about the release of Tweetbot for Mac, even though he was busy sitting in a hotel room on vacation, launching an alpha while his family was out getting a tan. The icon isn’t final, by the way, and performance is one of the last things to be worked on, so don’t worry too much if it’s a bit sluggish from time to time in its current state. Note that they say there may be ‘disturbing graphics and performance issues’ as they are still very much working on the app. Tapbots acknowledges this and says you can help them track down bugs by using the Help>Send Feedback option from Tweetbot for Mac to report them.

If you’re a person who gets and sends a lot of DMs, this is without a doubt the best Twitter client ever for you.Īs I mentioned before, there are definitely still some quirks with this version of Tweetbot. The direct message section holds a characteristically huge history of DMs, something that the iPhone and iPad versions of the app also excel at. Retweets by others, lists, your profile, the new unified search, your favorites and replies fill out the sidebar. Multiple accounts are supported, as are all of the standard Tweetbot features like muting by keyword, client, person and hashtag. Clicking on an avatar will take you to a detailed profile view with all of the usual stats and an embedded timeline view. Images are previewed inline, with a dedicated media viewer popup that also allows for sharing directly. The detail view of a tweet offers all of the normal options including copying a link, retweeting and more, and those can all be accessed right in the main timeline as well. The basic arrow key functions of Twitter for Mac are present here, and you can navigate through your timeline or into the detail view of a tweet just by tapping those around. Adding more keyboard shortcuts is still on the roadmap for now. Command+1-9 will activate each section of the app, but that’s about it. There are a handful of keyboard shortcuts available, including a crude timeline duplication via Command+ Shift+N, though they say that the final duplicate column mode will be more elegant. Those services will be integrated fully into the final release version of the app. You can choose from read it later, shortening and video upload services though.Īt the moment, Tweetbot for Mac alpha does not support notifications or iCloud syncing, as these services require that the app be signed and published via the Mac App Store, and Tapbots is not yet ready to submit it. All of your standard settings are there, including your choice of image uploaders, although there is no custom support as of yet. The app fully supports streaming and pinning to the top of the timeline, allowing you to watch as your stream of tweets flows by. Tweetbot says that it even brought on a new team member to build Twitter for Mac, Todd Thomas. The crisp designs that people have come to expect from Tapbots designer Mark Jardine are in effect, although the studio says that all of the pixels have yet to be pushed, so there will be little issues here and there. Retrieved November 9, 2015.The app has a very similar look and feel to Tweetbot for iPad, so it should be familiar to anyone that has used that, or the iPhone app for that matter. ^ 'Tweetbot 4.1 for iOS brings in Apple Watch Support'.^ 'Tweetbot 4.1 with Apple Watch support is out'.'Tweetbot 2 for Mac is my new favorite Twitter client'. 'Tapbots and the State of our Apps in iOS 7'. ^ 'Tweetbot for Twitter (iPhone & iPod touch)'.

'Tweetbot 2.7 for iPhone adds Vine, Flickr previews'. 'Tweetbot creator launches Netbot, a mature and polished App.net client for iPhone and iPad'. ^ Panzario, Matthew (October 3, 2012).

PC Magazine praised it for design and customization, but criticized the lack of support for multiple Twitter accounts, an issue that was addressed in later versions.